The natural course of humanity is sustained by the constant transformation and adaptation of ideals in the face of their time. Thus, in order to keep up to date with changes in the conceptions of a social body, it is essential that companies seek to understand these trends and adapt their recruitment processes.
In this context, it is possible to note that the field of recruitment and selection seeks to be always attentive to changes in behavior and ideas, since this issue requires a deep interpersonal relationship, aspiring to meaningful and quality exchanges to achieve the success of its experiences.
Inclusive recruitment
Currently, there has been much discussion about inclusive recruitment, capable of delivering the same opportunities to professionals of different skin colors, genders, sexuality, ages and any other diversities. This is because, in addition to the awareness that society is increasingly demanding about equal rights, it is notable that the greater the diversity in a work environment, the greater the spectrum of ideas and innovations on the same topic: “different people exchange knowledge and tend to view the same issue in different ways.” With this, the public tends to be more interested in the company that effectively promotes diversity and inclusion, which demonstrates that it values different perspectives and keeps itself well-informed.
In this sense, it is not enough for the company to create affirmative vacancies and hire candidates from different realities to achieve effective inclusive recruitment. For this, it is necessary to encourage the search for information and change the company’s mindset, with the aim of involving employees in the process for an increasingly respectful and diverse environment.
It is fundamental that the company maintains a performance analysis related to the results of the process, and each recruitment must be supported by relevant and measurable goals through key performance indicators (KPIs). This is because the selection process with affirmative vacancies should not be an isolated event, but rather an initiative that transforms the company’s atmosphere.
Check out some important aspects of inclusive recruitment below.
Job postings
With regard to the disclosure of vacancies, it is important that job postings are carried out by various means. Likewise, non-traditional locations are great options, aiming at the widest possible reach of diverse subgroups. Social networks, for example, because they have a modern approach, fulfill a role of covering diverse layers of society, in addition to democratizing access to information about the vacancy. In addition, the visual appeal in the exposure of vacancies can be very useful. Design has a great ability to reflect the company’s interests and captivate the target audience, if thought of in an inclusive way that facilitates diversity.
Selection processes format
Another important scope is the format of the selection processes. Adapting these models is essential to promote integration and inclusion. An emerging method is blind recruitment, which consists of introducing the candidate to virtual selection systems. This model does not have the interference of video flames or dissemination of images of the same, instigating the impartiality of the recruiter. Furthermore, removing personal data from the curriculum header, keeping only professional skills and experience, enables a selection process free of prejudice.
Company environment
Adapting both the company’s physical and cultural environment is also of paramount importance for consolidating inclusive recruitment. It is very common that work environments do not present mobility and accessibility logistics for the physically disabled, discouraging them from filling the vacancy. Likewise, it is crucial to encourage representativeness within the company. After all, one cannot speak of a culture of diversity and present an aesthetic and socially standardized and normative team.
Language and communication
Furthermore, language has become an increasingly recurrent discussion. Treatment pronouns can be exhaustive and impose standards that are not always comfortable for the candidate. So that the recruiter can circumvent this issue, it is interesting to use generic terms that do not refer to the candidate’s gender. Another option would be to ask at the beginning of the interview what the candidate prefers to be called. While the first option avoids possible noise in communication, the second way demonstrates that the recruiter cares about the individual’s self-affirmation.
However, when asking the candidate to declare his identity, it is necessary to make it clear that the request is not an order. That is, the candidate only declares his identity if he wants to. Likewise, it is crucial to clarify that the declaration is part of a process of insertion and not of exclusion. Thus, this cannot be a factor that eliminates the candidate if he chooses not to declare. It is important to emphasize that the candidate’s personal life will always be an addendum and not a foundation of the process.
Discriminatory questions and inclusive recruitment
There are certain inappropriate questions in any selection process, be it affirmative or for broad competition. In addition to being questions normally used for discriminatory purposes, information about sex life, political party, health, religion or racial origin is considered sensitive data and is protected by the law. Therefore, any question of a prejudiced, discriminatory nature or that goes against the law should not be asked during the interview, especially when dealing with sensitive data. For example:
- Do you intend to get pregnant?
- Do you have children? Who will look after your children while you work?
- What is your sexual orientation?
- Do you take any prescription medication?
- Do you drink or smoke?
Unless the specific vacancy requires such information, they sound discriminatory and alienate the candidate. In addition, medical issues are addressed in admission exams and are therefore not considered a discriminatory factor.
Ramifications of inclusive recruitment
In a subdivision of inclusive recruitment, the racial introduction of black people in selection processes, in addition to the inexcusable historical reparation, seeks to oppose social inequality. For this, it is necessary to analyze economic and regional factors. The selection processes with affirmative vacancies for the black public must be repairing and present opportunities in positions at all levels.
Even before starting the selection process, it is up to the company to carry out internal training on the subject that encourages the search for knowledge and respect for the culture. Should debate topics on racism, racial injury, prejudiced terms, religious diversity, social vulnerabilities, etc. In addition, reporting channels are essential in maintaining a respectful and anti-racist environment. It is also worth mentioning that it is important to base the candidate’s remuneration on their competence and productivity, avoiding unfounded wage disparities.
LGBT community
Another minority group that suffers repression in selection processes is the LGBT community. In addition to some of the strategies mentioned above, to try to reverse this scenario, companies need to understand their role in non-discriminatory hiring. An organization should not fail to recruit a candidate for the way he identifies himself and, much less, hire him, but not create a safe and comfortable environment.
It is of utmost importance to point out unconscious biases so that we can then maintain an impartial judgment and eliminate them. In this sense, the recruiter must map the stigmas that he and his team have and get rid of them. It is crucial to study diversity, warm relationships and the group’s own concepts to better understand it and avoid personal impressions affecting the process. In this regard, the recruiter must adhere to the specific criteria created by the team, focusing on the candidate’s technical and behavioral competence and valuing his or her history and unique trajectory.
Persons with disabilities
Recruitment that seeks to include people with disabilities requires even greater preparation. Not only must the subject be studied and understood, but the environment and/or the interview must be adapted according to each specific case.
First, the term people with disabilities involves numerous classes of disability and, therefore, one should not generalize the candidate who identifies himself as part of the group. Therefore, it is up to the recruiter to prepare to receive the candidate. When contacting to arrange an interview, talk openly with the candidate about what adaptations are necessary for carrying out the process.
Next, it is worth mentioning that the disability requires a natural and respectful treatment during the selection process. The professional must be questioned in front of his qualities and defects without discrimination. With this, it is relevant that the recruiter talks with professionals in the candidate’s disability area, to study the best way to approach the topic naturally.
Returning to the macro vision of inclusive recruitment, it can be concluded that a quality practice is achieved by professionals engaged in seeking knowledge and understanding others. It is always necessary to look for references with a place to speak for training and reception. In this way, the company is able to expand its diversity and expand its horizons. As a result, it is possible to perpetuate a welcoming culture that follows the natural course of evolution of human ideals.
Pacifica recognizes that each individual brings diverse perspectives, experiences and skills. By valuing different backgrounds and opinions, we are able to see challenges from different angles, find innovative solutions and achieve exceptional results. Likewise, we ensure that our solutions also promote inclusion and diversity and meet our customers’ expectations. Contact us to find out more about how our solutions can offer strategies guided by the principles of inclusion and diversity.
Written by Vitória Assayag